About Online Accounting Degrees

Online Accounting DegreeWith advancements in technology in recent years, you can now obtain online degrees in many fields, and an online accounting degree is one type of degree you can earn. An online accounting degree will give you the skills necessary to work in the field of accounting, and the degree can lead to a very promising and successful career. Accounting degrees online offer you the flexibility that you need to get a good education on your time table.

The field of accounting offers excellent job opportunities. The profession is in demand, so employment for accountants continues to rise. With the high cost of college, an online accounting degree can save you from paying some of the costs associated with college. Because you can make your own schedule, online degrees give you more flexibility to hold a job. Students who earn an accounting degree online will normally need to complete 120 hours. Some of the levels of accounting degrees include an associate’s degree, a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree. Some schools might even offer a doctorate in accounting. It only takes two years to earn an associate’s degree, so if you are in a hurry to finish, this type of degree can result in a bookkeeping position. If you want to make a higher salary and specialize in a certain accounting area, you might want to pursue a master’s degree.

How to Find the Top Online Accounting Degree Programs

Numerous schools have become well-known for offering the best online accounting degree programs. Kaplan University, Post University and Colorado Technical University have recently become popular for their online accounting degrees. Kaplan University awards a BS or MBA degree in accounting. The school also offers several specialized programs, including Accounting/Auditing and Forensic Accountancy. If an associate’s degree is what you want, Liberty University Online provides the skills needed to succeed in accounting. Another quality university that offers an online accounting degree is Grand Canyon University. The school provides a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. According to the online rankings, Grand Canyon University offers one of the best online accounting degrees in the world. It is important that you attend an accredited university or your degree will not hold real value.

Careers and Salaries for Individuals with Online Accounting Degrees

With an online accounting degree, you will have the opportunity to earn a high salary. The average salary that people with an accounting degree make is around $60,000; however, some people make more than $100,000. Tax preparation, bookkeeping and payroll services are considered the highest paying accounting salary jobs. Government jobs also have a high salary. Other accounting careers include real estate, financial planning, health care or insurance sales. With an accounting degree, you can work as a CPA or you can work for the Internal Revenue Service. Some states will earn you a higher figure than other states. California and New York are generally two of the highest paying states when it comes to accounting jobs. Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois and Ohio also pay accountants well. The salary for accountants is predicted to stay above average for the next five years.

Whether you obtain an associate’s degree or a master’s degree, an accounting degree can provide you with an outstanding career. An online accounting degree offers a quality education that will prepare you for the intriguing field of accounting.